Healing Our Perfectionism (with Emma Nadler)


Emma Nadler is a psychotherapist, author, and parent whose life was changed forever when doctors informed her that her second child, Eden, had a rare genetic condition. As she became familiar with the complexities of her daughter’s diagnosis, Emma had to confront her preconceptions of motherhood, self-judgment, and especially her tendency toward perfectionism. In her … Continued

What Science Says About Respectful Parenting (with Anya Dunham, PhD)


When scientist Anya Dunham was expecting her first baby, she decided to take a deep dive into the science behind various parenting techniques and philosophies. She was particularly drawn to the ideas Janet shares from the work of Magda Gerber and Emmi Pikler, because they complemented her own intuition. Anya joins Janet to discuss her … Continued

Mental Health Starts in Infancy (with Dr. Angela Fisher-Solomon)


“I think families and particularly parents shy away from the term infant mental health. They think, Oh my goodness, does that mean that something is ‘wrong’ with my baby? And it does not mean that at all.” Janet’s guest is Dr. Angela Fisher-Solomon, an Infant Developmental Psychologist and RIE Associate with over 20 years of national and … Continued

Let Kids Choose… Except When They Can’t


As parents and caregivers, most of us know that it’s a good idea to let our kids make choices. Offering choice is one of the ways we demonstrate respect for children as competent people. Making appropriate choices encourages them to be decision-makers and problem solvers, helps to foster a sense of autonomy, agency and healthy … Continued

Problems With Other People’s Children


As conscious parents, we’re doing our best to learn to anticipate and respond effectively to our children’s behaviors and needs. However, the behaviors of the other children in our kids’ lives—friends, relatives, new acquaintances in public environments—are far less predictable. It’s inevitable our kids will encounter situations that confuse, baffle, or even frighten them. So, … Continued

What To Do (and Not Do) When Kids Have Meltdowns, Tantrums, Strong Emotions


What do children need from us when they’re experiencing intense feelings? What are the best things to say and do to calm their emotional storms? Janet responds to notes from three insightful professionals who express concerns that what they’re doing isn’t working. Janet validates their perspectives and explains why. Then she offers specific recommendations for navigating … Continued

Becoming Untriggered (with Lavinia Brown and Andrew Lynn)


Trauma informed coaches Lavinia Brown and Andrew Lynn join Janet to discuss how they help parents identify triggers and heal wounds that are preventing them from being the parents they wish to be and otherwise negatively impacting their daily lives. Andrew says: “Trauma robs you of the freedom to choose how you react.” Lavinia and Andrew … Continued

Is Parenting Too Hard? You May Be Doing Too Much


No matter how we approach raising our children, there are times we’ll feel physically, mentally, or emotionally exhausted. Maybe all of the above. We’re only human, of course, but it may also be that we’re taking on more than we need to — depleting our energy with roles and tasks that are better left to our child. In this … Continued

Best Ways to Encourage Independent Play


Janet addresses a parent’s concerns about her daughter’s unwillingness to play independently. She seems to need constant stimulation and entertainment. Transcript of “Best Ways to Encourage Independent Play” Hi, this is Janet Lansbury. Welcome to Unruffled. In this episode, I’ll be responding to a parent whose child seems to be having a hard time playing … Continued

Navigating Get-Togethers with Relatives, Friends, and Their Kids


We may not always agree with the parenting styles of our relatives and friends, and that’s okay. Get-togethers can still be enjoyable, positive social experiences for us and for our kids. In this episode, Janet offers her perspective on some of the common challenges that arise in gatherings with friends, family, and in public situations with … Continued

Raising Creative, Critical Thinkers in a Commercialized World (with Susan Linn)


Janet’s guest is psychologist, writer, researcher, and Harvard lecturer Susan Linn. For decades, Susan has been a passionate advocate for our children and a steadfast fighter against the infiltration of Big Business and Big Tech into kids’ lives (and parents’ pocketbooks). In an eye-opening discussion, Susan describes how digital culture is designed to indoctrinate children … Continued

The Beauty of Sleep (with Eileen Henry)


Sleep is an essential element of our happiness and well-being. If our child is not sleeping, then chances are good that we aren’t either. Many families are content with the sleep situations in their households, and more power to them. Others seek advice and solutions because they struggle night after night. Still others fear that making any … Continued