Meltdowns That Keep Happening, Even When We’re Doing Everything Right


A parent writes that she’s feeling helpless and desperate about her 3-year-old’s frequent, intense meltdowns, which sometimes last up to an hour. This mom says they usually “relate to control and power struggles where he tells me or my husband to do something.” And although she remains calm, responds with empathetic words, assures him that … Continued

Parent Traps


Kids seem to have a sixth sense when it comes to detecting our vulnerabilities as parents. And as adept learners and explorers, they can’t help but keep pressing the buttons they discover in us. It can be easy for us to get stuck in an uncomfortable, unproductive cycle. Janet shares two recent interactions she’s had … Continued

Raising Creative, Critical Thinkers in a Commercialized World (with Susan Linn)


Janet’s guest is psychologist, writer, researcher, and Harvard lecturer Susan Linn. For decades, Susan has been a passionate advocate for our children and a steadfast fighter against the infiltration of Big Business and Big Tech into kids’ lives (and parents’ pocketbooks). In an eye-opening discussion, Susan describes how digital culture is designed to indoctrinate children … Continued

My Daughters Weigh In on Respectful Parenting (with Charlotte and Madeline)


Janet’s daughters share candid memories from their childhoods and consider how Janet’s respectful parenting style has influenced their lives as toddlers, teens, and young adults. Using questions submitted to Janet’s Facebook page as their guide, the sisters discuss intrinsic motivation, emotional health, independent play, sibling relationships, screen time and more. Transcript of “My Daughters Weigh … Continued

Stop Worrying About Your Preschooler’s Education


Janet welcomes early childhood educator Tom (“Teacher Tom”) Hobson who shares his optimism and insights about our children’s abilities to learn, grow and flourish outside of a classroom setting. Both Tom and Janet have always asserted that the most valuable education a preschooler receives is organic and self-motivated. They believe that time spent interacting authentically … Continued

Dad Feels Undermined and Defeated by Partner’s Lack of Limits


In this episode: Janet responds to an email from a stay-at-home parent who feels his efforts to establish and maintain boundaries during the day are undercut when his spouse returns home from work. He believes the daily struggles he has with their daughter “are partly or greatly exacerbated by my wife’s interactions with her…. I’m … Continued

Getting Family on Board with Your Parenting Beliefs


In this episode: Janet answers a question from the mother of a four-month-old who says she is having trouble getting her husband on the same page when it comes to independent play. He doesn’t see the baby much, so when he does, he wants to engage “face-to-face, total stimulation and entertainment.” While she empathizes with … Continued

The Secret to Setting Limits (Without Bribes or Threats)

Hi Janet, Please help! I’m having to rethink my strategies with my 4-year-old.  Normally bedtime is effortless — a great routine, quality time, and straight down. The only caveat is that I’ve used TV as an incentive and threaten to cancel play dates the next day if she doesn’t stay in bed (and have consistently followed … Continued

Coping with a High Needs Baby (special guest: Lisa Sunbury)


Janet and Lisa respond to a letter from a pregnant mom who struggled mightily with her first child, whom she describes as a Velcro baby. Though her daughter has developed into a “happy, confident and wonderful little girl,” the experience took a toll on this mother and left her feeling insecure as a parent and … Continued

3 RIE Parenting Basics


In this episode: Janet responds to a frequent reader request to introduce and summarize the RIE parenting approach. She begins in this podcast by discussing the first 3 basics she shared in her article “RIE Parenting Basics – 9 Ways To Put Respect Into Action” (…ect-into-action/). She will eventually cover them all in future episodes … Continued