Stop Worrying About Your Preschooler’s Education


Janet welcomes early childhood educator Tom (“Teacher Tom”) Hobson who shares his optimism and insights about our children’s abilities to learn, grow and flourish outside of a classroom setting. Both Tom and Janet have always asserted that the most valuable education a preschooler receives is organic and self-motivated. They believe that time spent interacting authentically … Continued

Handling My Toddler’s First Tantrum


In this episode: A mom writes to describe her 13-month-old’s first tantrum, saying that after several gentle and respectful attempts to manage the situation, she “froze and didn’t know what to do.” She’s wondering how she might have handled the situation differently so she can be better prepared for the inevitable ‘next time’. Transcript of … Continued

Stop Entertaining Your Toddler (And Free Their Play)

“How can I get my 2.5-year-old son to be more independent? He is my sidekick, my errand running buddy, and we thoroughly enjoy each other’s company.  That being said, he seems incapable of doing anything without me right by his side, and honestly, it can get a bit frustrating. Am I asking too much of … Continued

Parenting Expectations Have Changed – Kids Haven’t (with Maggie Dent)


If you’re the parent of young children, there’s a good chance you are very hard on yourself. Australian parenting guru Maggie Dent joins Janet in this episode to discuss the unprecedented pressures and challenges today’s parents face living up to ever-changing standards set by social media, peers, and even schools. Parents are often left feeling … Continued

My Child Refuses Independent Play


With our most loving intentions as parents, we might find ourselves stuck in a full-time role we never wanted—as our child’s playmate and entertainer. In this episode, a mom asks Janet for advice regarding her “bright, busy, extroverted four-year-old girl who loves having my complete attention.” Unfortunately, this parent is feeling she really needs some … Continued

Dr. Gabor Maté on Why Parents Matter More Than Ever


Physician and author Gabor Maté joins Janet to discuss the importance of developing secure attachments with our kids and why it’s crucial for us to continue nurturing these bonds into their adulthood. How do we remain our children’s most trusted influences while also encouraging their natural drive toward individuation? Can we maintain our role as … Continued

When Kids Hide Their Feelings and Reject Our Comfort


We’re trying to be there for our kids, let them know we care, and give them positive, healthy messages about their feelings. What could possibly go wrong? In this episode, Janet responds to a parent who worries that when she tries to comfort her upset 3-year-old daughter, the child seems ashamed about her feelings, even … Continued

Praise That Encourages Intrinsic Motivation


We can be our kids’ greatest fans, and they need us to be. How do we praise them in a manner that truly encourages them? We may have heard that “good job!” or “you’re so smart!” aren’t the ticket. In this episode, Janet shares her specific suggestions and a simple way we can find clarity … Continued

Should We Resort to Using Force?


Janet consults with a couple who feel at odds with their 4-year-old at bedtime. “She stalls, refuses or delays putting on her pajamas, brushing her teeth, getting in bed, and staying in bed.” She’s also uncooperative in the mornings. The parents have conflicting ideas about how they should handle her behavior and hope Janet can … Continued

Raising Mentally Healthy Kids Means Letting Them Grieve


Most of us wouldn’t consider it part of our job to allow the small children in our care to grieve. And yet, our lives are filled with losses—some are significant, most are minor. The way we process feelings of loss can have profound, lasting effects on our mental health and overall quality of life. In … Continued