ADHD and How to Support All Children to Fulfill Their Dreams (with Lynn Miner-Rosen)

ADHD and career coach Lynn Miner-Rosen is unique among counselors because her own life experience includes two children with ADHD, as well as her own mid-life diagnosis. In the face of severe personal crises, Lynn re-invented herself professionally time and again, and she uses these experiences to bring insight, empathy, and encouragement to both parents of children with ADHD and adult clients seeking self-knowledge and career direction.

Transcript of “ADHD and How to Support All Children to Fulfill Their Dreams (with Lynn Miner-Rosen)”

Hi, this is Janet Lansbury. Welcome to Unruffled. Today I have a special guest who also happens to be a dear friend of mine. Lynn Miner-Rosen is an ADHD coach and a board certified career development coach. She is an expert on ADHD. She was a special education teacher in New York City for 12 years. Her own child has ADHD and she found out that she does as well. So she has personal experience and a lot of encouragement to share. Her mission these days is to help people feel supported, empowered, loved, and to find the career that they love.

Janet Lansbury:  Thank you for being here.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Hi, Janet. I am so excited. This is a lifetime dream to be here with you.

Janet Lansbury:  That’s so sweet. Yeah, so-

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  It’s going to be hard to not laugh, or cry.

Janet Lansbury:  So everybody you should know that Lynn and I grew up together. We were in grade school together, and we’ve stayed in touch all these years. Lynn has blossomed into this amazing career with two specialties, really. She is an expert in ADHD, and she’s also a career coach for people with ADHD, and also everybody. And she is credentialed in that work as well. So she works in those fields kind of separately and also together. So thrilled to have you here!

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Oh thank you, likewise.

Janet Lansbury:  And wanted to ask you first for people that don’t really know, what is ADHD?

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  I think the most important thing that people need to know is that it’s not a disability in the sense that people can’t have their own wonderful lives. So it used to be called ADD, or ADHD. So we hear a lot of people still saying, ADD, thinking that that’s different than ADHD. And what we found about 13 years ago is that it’s all ADHD, but there’s three types. There’s the inattentive type, the hyperactive type is what we normally think about, little boys. And there’s combination.

We also used to think that ADHD were mostly little boys and they would grow out of it. And now what we’re finding in the last 20 years, the research has been so incredible that we’re finding that, no, people don’t grow out of it. And women and girls have ADHD, but girls don’t show their symptoms till usually middle school.

So back then they would diagnose little kids in elementary school and they would say the little boys that were running around hyper and couldn’t sit in circle time had ADHD. And that was that. And now we’re learning that it’s a lot more than that. It’s not just sitting in circle time. It’s not just about focus. It’s not just about talking or being hyperactive. It affects a lot of areas of our brain. We call those executive functions, and that’s where the ADHD really can be a challenge for kids and parents, everybody.

Janet Lansbury:  So what does it affect? I mean, if you could generalize, or maybe just talk about the different types. How does this show up in children? What should parents notice to get a screening, or to find out more, to see what help they can get?

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Most parents hear from their teachers first, and that’s good. If I brought that up to a parent for the first time, I wouldn’t want them to worry about it. It’s not a bad thing. Think of it like this, your kid has a Ferrari brain and tricycle breaks.

Janet Lansbury:  I love that.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  So, we want to welcome the brain power, but they don’t know how to manage it. My son had ADHD. We knew very early on and he didn’t want to sit in circle time. We were at some Mommy and Me, that, “Where’s Joe? He has to sit in circle time.” And I kept thinking: Why? Why does he have to sit there? Why can’t he just wander around? So that’s part of where parents will start to see it, through teachers.

But going back to the question about executive functioning, I think that’s really important to know. There are a lot of myths and misunderstandings about ADHD and they’re passed on from what our parents told us, or what their neighbors told them, or even if they come from a culture that doesn’t believe in it. So there are a lot of things that can get in the way of getting a diagnosis, or knowing that your kid might have something. And my suggestion, if you’re not sure, is to always see a specialist. Not all pediatricians, not all of them are trained in the current ADHD research, and they don’t know the correct procedure. So we want to make sure that those kids see an expert, a developmental pediatrician, and a neuropsychologist.

Janet Lansbury:  To get a screening and to find out. And what is the screening like?

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  It usually probably takes three to four different days, maybe consecutive days. Or two days. And it’s fun. It’s actually toys for the kids to play with. “What’s bigger? What’s smaller?” They do a whole testing on, they’ll test their IQ, because they want to see if it’s a learning disability, as opposed to ADHD. A learning disability is when you have one specific area that you struggle in.

Janet Lansbury:  And then ADHD is more of a difficulty with attention, or like a difficulty, like you said, putting brakes on all the distractions.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  It’s executive functioning, and it includes memory, short-term memory and long-term memory. It includes how kids think about themselves. They tend to feel harder and express harder. Like, those are deep feelers. So, little things, they feel more. It’s really also managing their health. They’ll eat when they want to eat. Their sleep might be different. We sometimes think that people with ADHD are on a different circadian rhythm. They want to stay up late and they have a hard time getting up in the morning. That’s a very ADHD type thing. The research is showing a possible shift, that the circadian in our brains are different.

Janet Lansbury:  And what I’ve heard you say before is that there is a whole spectrum, and that oftentimes there’s also maybe learning disabilities that are involved with certain children that have ADHD.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Absolutely. I’m so glad you brought that up, because ADHD never comes alone.  It always comes with something else. So it might be anxiety. It might be depression. It might be bipolar. So those things tend to be the alert that there might be something else going on.

Most people aren’t able to diagnose ADHD by just looking at a kid. You can’t, because it’s in the invisible disability. But it’s the other things that come with ADHD that we pick up on, that’s when the ADHD gets diagnosed. Is when we say, oh, we see depression, anxiety, possibly sleep issues. Hyper-focusing on video games. Having a hard time transitioning from one activity to another without advanced notice. That’s a real ADHD thing, we call that time blindness. And some young people have a very hard time thinking about the future, because of their ADHD. They can’t, they don’t know how to visualize their future, and it’s so stressful. It’s like too stressful. They don’t think about where they’re going next or what they’re doing next. They’re in the moment.

Janet Lansbury:  With this Ferrari that they’re driving.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  With a Ferrari.

Janet Lansbury:  Who can think of what’s happening next? You’re trying to manage the Ferrari.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  And if they’re forgetful or procrastinate, those are all those negative words. It’s not on purpose. They’re not trying to do that. It’s a lot of other things. It could be memory, it could be fear. It’s also ADHD people are very, very, very sensitive to what other people think about them. And that’s like an intense sensitivity.

Janet Lansbury:  That makes sense.

I want to ask you a little about some of the therapies and what parents can do, but also I just wanted to note, because I keep hearing this coming up in my world, parents saying, “I found out my child has ADHD, and I found out that I do as well.” So, how does that come about that the parent, they didn’t know all these years, how does that feel? You have told me that… and I only just learned this recently about you, I never knew, that you have ADHD.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Yeah.

Janet Lansbury:  So how does that feel to, I don’t know, look back on all these things that you thought were your fault, or just something wrong with you, and to see it in this beautiful, forgiving, bright light.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Yeah. It’s hard. I mean, and we are getting so smart. The research we’re learning about ADHD right now is just incredible. Study after study. And we’re learning that untreated ADHD shortens your lifespan, because of the things that you do. The impulsivity, the stress, but also not taking care of your body, not taking care of your sleep. Many people with ADHD, self-medicate. Pot is not a good self-medication for ADHD.

The other thing is there’s a lot of controversy about ADHD and meds, because people think right away, if you diagnose my kid with ADHD, we’re going to have to put them on medicine. And that’s what I hear the most from parents. I worked for a middle school in New York. I was the special education teacher. I was the IEP and 504 coordinator. And it was a school with a thousand kids, and I had to sign off on every single IEP. So I did a hundred a year, where I was in the meeting, and reading the reports, and reading everything and talking to parents, and their biggest concern is giving medication to their kids. And I totally get it. But, if you go to the right professional, the first line of defense should not be medication. I would say to your parents, if you go to a doctor and the first thing they want to do is give your kid medicine, get a second opinion. You have the right. You don’t have to do that. If you go to the right doctor, there are really good therapies.

So cognitive behavior therapy is really good, and they use pictures, and they use real life experiences, and they involve the parents and the families. And there’s also dialectical behavior therapy. So if you look that up, you can find it on the internet. And there are a lot of good therapists that do that. Also, we can do a lot of natural things. The biggest thing that helps kids with ADHD is exercise.

Janet Lansbury:  Wow.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  The biggest. And I think, when you say that I got diagnosed in my fifties with ADHD, and I look back at all the things I did, if I didn’t dance as much as I did, I probably would not have done well in my life. That saved me. Dancing, gymnastics. That was what I needed.

Janet Lansbury:  I had no idea that exercise was that powerful.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Exercise, drinking water. And I talk a lot about this because I’m a research geek. That’s all I do. And there was a study about 300 people. This is in the last three years. They came in thirsty, and they were anxious, and they were all saying they were fighting anxiety and it turned out that they were all dehydrated. And when you’re dehydrated, that makes you feel anxious. Oftentimes people with ADHD, when they feel that anxiety, they don’t know why. And sometimes drinking water can be a big help. I say that if kids are taking a test, they should have water.

I had one client that I put on his accommodations at college that he’s allowed to have water at his tests. And there was a professor that said, “no water bottles allowed in for the test,” and I’m like uh-uh (negative), you have an accommodation for that. And that’s why I step in and help them, because water can help you manage your anxiety.

Janet Lansbury:  So water, exercise, what are some of the other ways that we can help children or adults?

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  I think if they’re ready to transition, or you want them to get off of the video, or stop doing something, or you have to go to another activity, the best thing is to just say, “Okay, 10 more minutes. Okay, five more minutes.” Give them a heads up, because that transition can cause complete chaos. And I’m sure all your parents are going, “oh yeah. oh yeah, that happens all the time.” Because when you grab a kid and you say, “Okay, we’re leaving now, let’s go. Turn off the video game. Come on.” It’s freak out. So what you want to do is respect that, and just say, “Okay, 10 minutes, we’ll be leaving.” Also using a clock, having watches and a clock, a digital clock. No. I mean, a…

Janet Lansbury:  Whatever they call it.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  A regular clock.

Janet Lansbury:  There is a name for it. There is a name, but we just don’t use that term very often. But the regular clock shows you how much time you have until the next thing. And that’s why I remember a teacher telling me that a long time ago, and I thought, wow, that’s why I like regular clocks better. I don’t have to subtract, and do all that. I can just look at it and see it visually.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  And that’s why it’s in every classroom, because we all know we look in a classroom, “Oh, the clock’s there. 10 minutes more.” And then we’ll go to the next class.

Janet Lansbury:  Right. Then in terms of the screen time, screens are so engaging for all of us, and video games are so exciting and engaging. And I know that there is some research. It’s not quite conclusive, but it links attention issues to a lot of screen use.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  No doubt. And we’ve known about this for 20 years. That is a tricky thing. And you have to put limits on it. But even when my kids were little, I’m here in LA visiting my son, who I haven’t seen. And he remembers that we didn’t watch TV in our house. And we had limited time for those things and he was not mad about it.

Janet Lansbury:  Mine are sort of the same. They were a little annoyed at the time because there were certain things, there would be a birthday party where they were showing a film that was a PG-13 and my kids were seven or eight years old, and I said, “Absolutely not.” And so they were a little annoyed at the time, but they definitely appreciate it now. We’re caring about the brain development. It’s important.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  It’s so important. And we can see the difference in kids that are now 30 and 40 in terms of reading, in terms of writing.

Janet Lansbury:  The brain is definitely changing. And yeah, I’m sure there are negatives to that, but maybe there are also positives to that. I try to keep an open mind, because I was so strict about that with my children and I believe in it very strongly, especially in those first few years where they’re developing so quickly, but I know that times are always changing and it’s…

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  You still have to do what’s right.

Janet Lansbury:  Yes.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  For the best of your kid. For sure.

Janet Lansbury:  So when you found out about your son, Joe, is that what led you to find out about yourself? Or was it much later?

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Yeah. So when Joe had it, I remember talking about it and I didn’t think that I had ADHD. But then I went through a few trauma things myself: 9/11, I lived on Long Island and I could see the burning towers from my backyard, and my kids were in kindergarten and second grade. And it was just so frightening. I went to a doctor, because I was so anxious. And I was a woman that was anxious, and what do you give a woman who’s anxious? You give her an anxiety pill. So it was just a whole bunch of things like that that happened. And it was-

Janet Lansbury:  And then the pill didn’t help, or you-

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  No. Well, I would get a sleeping pill or an anti-anxiety pill. I probably went to five or six doctors. And then I went to a CHADD conference, and CHADD is Children and Adults with ADHD. It’s a big, huge worldwide conference. And I speak at the conferences now, but I went to my first one, about nine years ago. And it was given by Dr. Ellen Littman. She had just finished doing research on ADHD in women and girls, because we really didn’t know. This is so new. And I sat in her slideshow talking about her research and just crying. Every slide was like, oh my God, that was me. Talking about things that we did as kids, driving too fast, too many boyfriends, not working to my potential in school. Very, very sensitive to what other people thought about me, and wanted to be the best person. And I had a very strong mom. And anyway, Dr. Littman was amazing. And if any of you want to read that book, it’s ADHD for Women and Girls, and it’s just shocking when you read it.

So I really didn’t do anything about it again, just typical ADHD. Oh no, not me.

Janet Lansbury:  Oh, even when you cried? You still didn’t think it was you?

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  No. I did not go get a diagnosis. I just kept going.

And then when I moved to Florida, it was hard to move to a whole new… I didn’t understand what was going on. And then I understood, this is like that transition thing. It’s really hard to transition. And then I finally got a diagnosis. So I walked in and the doctor goes, “Oh yeah.”

And my friend, Jill, who’s an ADHD coach, she said, “Duh.”

I’m like, “Well, why didn’t you tell me? You’ve known me all these years? You never said.”

Janet Lansbury:  Well, why didn’t she tell you? She thought you already knew.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Yeah. And I’m classic. I can look back at everything.

Janet Lansbury:  Wow. That makes me want to cry.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  And I remember Dr. Earhart, who was our dentist, and I was a little girl like seven. And I remember Dr. Earhart saying to my mom, “Your daughter’s grinding her teeth. She’s a nervous wreck.” And my mom’s like, “Well, that’s ridiculous. That can’t possibly be.” And that was the end of that.

Janet Lansbury:  Wow. Well, I’m so glad that you found out. And so you could forgive yourself.

So let’s veer into this other wonderful service that you provide, that you were credentialed in, and that you help so many people with. And that is: who am I and what do I want to do with my life? What’s my calling? What’s my career supposed to be?

When you brought up the exercise, I was thinking, because I know that this is part of your work, and it’s totally mine as well. You trust children to find their own interests. Maybe you expose them to something, but you really trust that they know themselves better than we know them. And we don’t want to judge them, we just want to encourage them as much as we can to keep going. And you chose those things because you wanted to do them. No one told you to go into gymnastics or dance.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Right.

Janet Lansbury:  You found those.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Right.

Janet Lansbury:  And so, when we say maybe you could help your child with more exercise, it’s so important to allow them to be the ones to, maybe they just want to do jumping jacks. Maybe they want to do-

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  And that’s what my parents did. You find what you like. Okay, you don’t like violin, try tennis. Tennis, isn’t for you? Okay, try yoga. And we did. We all picked something different that we liked and that’s huge.

Temple Grandin is one of my idols and she has Asperger’s, which is much more complex than ADHD. It’s on the autism spectrum. She’s an incredibly successful doctor, scientist, engineer, writer, public speaker. I mean, she’s just phenomenal. And she always says that kids won’t know what they like until they do it. Like show your kids how to screw on a hose and water the plants, because they won’t know if they like doing that, or how to do it unless you show them. So it’s just exposing your kids and letting them try a whole bunch of things and letting them learn about themselves. What makes them excited? What gets them excited? What’s fun? What are their dreams?

Janet Lansbury:  Yeah. It sounds like that requires relaxing our own… which I think is probably much more prevalent today than when you and I were kids, parents were a lot more trusting in those ways. Much more letting go. There wasn’t that kind of managing that could become micromanaging that parents believe it their job to do. I feel for these parents that might worry, “my child has ADHD, I better get them on a team” or whatever, when that could be totally not the right fit. It requires really finding that place of trust in your own child and how that’s probably one of the most important things in terms of who they are and not going with our reflex to judge and correct and say, “Well, oh no, you couldn’t do that. That wouldn’t work for you.” Or, “My Uncle Sam did that, and it was terrible for him. He was bored out of his mind. He shouldn’t do that.” Or, “I tried it and I didn’t like it.” So really understanding that your child is a separate person with their own journey.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Oh yeah. I mean, Janet you’re right on, and it happens all the time. And I work with…  I start at age 17 and work with people who are 70, but lately I’ve been getting a lot of 30 and 40-year-olds coming back and going, “My mom said, this is the career I should do. My parents wanted me to do this and I hate it.”

But can I share a story about my kid? You know I’d love to talk about my own kids.

Janet Lansbury:  Yes. Yes, yes.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  I was just talking to Joe last night, and we were talking about this. When he was little, when he was very, very little, he wanted to be either a firefighter, or a police officer, or a limousine driver. And I mean, I would always say, “Joe, you can do anything you want to do.” Always said that to him. And, “I wonder what a firefighter does. I wonder what their day is really like.” So that’s how I used to talk to him.

And I also used to read to him and my other child the Berenstain Bears books that talk about careers. Because when you think about little kids, all they know are parents, doctors, and teachers. They don’t know what other people do. So we, as parents, we definitely can educate them and share and talk about it. But we have to try really hard not to direct and say, “that’s good” or “that’s bad.” And I never did that with Joe. And I got a lot of pressure from my neighborhood, from parents saying, “You can’t let your kid be a firefighter. You can’t let your kid be a police officer. That’s too dangerous.” Or, “Jewish kids aren’t firefighters.” I used to hear that a lot. Really, I know. I was like, where is that coming from? I had no clue what they were talking about.

So I always kept saying to Joe, “I want you to do what makes you feel good. I want you to find something that’s your passion. And if this is it, then that’s awesome.” So at 13, he wanted to have a walkie talkie and he started volunteering at the fire department at 13. Worked his way up. He was a lifeguard at a pool. Then he was a lifeguard at the ocean. Then he worked for the Nassau County Police Department as a paramedic. He has a degree in nursing from Adelphi, and he’s a New York State Trooper. And if I had said to Joe, “No, you can’t do that,” He wouldn’t be the amazing person he is. This is what he wanted.

Janet Lansbury:  He wouldn’t be a fulfilled person. I think that’s the most… you know, even more important.

What do these 34-year-olds do when they realize that they have been kind of living out a path that wasn’t their choice? Do they get upset at their parents? (She’s nodding her head.)

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Yeah.

Janet Lansbury:  I always saw it as this inner-directed kind of precious thread that we want to keep our child in touch with, by allowing them to direct their own play, by allowing them to direct their own extracurriculars, decide things and go on their path. And what happens when somebody gets totally off of that? How do you get it back? How do you help those people? All the ages that you work with, how do you help them get back on track when they’ve gotten off?

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Yeah. So, the career development process is, to me, a process. It starts in high school, and it’s year after year. And it’s not something you just start when you’re a junior in college. It’s a whole life process. Maybe it’s keeping a journal and writing down things that you really love and you don’t love. Or, what I do with adult clients, is I have them do their job history, but I have them list what tasks they did on each of those jobs. And then, “Did you like it? Or didn’t you like it? Which part of that job?” And so this one client, he remembered this job. He worked in the deli and he hated the deli, but he loved slicing the sandwiches, and making them, and wrapping them all nice. So we started to talk about those past dreams and we considered culinary school as an option. And it was just exploring himself, exploring his interests, what his skills are, what skills he wants to learn, what things he never knew and would like to learn about. It opened up a whole new world for him of possibilities.

And that’s another myth with ADHD, I’m sure a lot of your parents hear it, that if you have ADHD, there are only certain jobs you should have. We used to hear, “Oh, I have ADHD. I can’t have a desk job.” And I would say, “Well, what does that look like? What do you mean by that?” And then COVID hit and I’m like, oh, everybody’s got a desk job now. And same thing with the kids, “Oh, I can’t take online classes.” Well, sure enough, they’re taking online classes, right? So people with ADHD can adjust to the challenges. It’s finding the passion and the motivation that makes them happy. Connecting something in their life, in their leisure, that they love with their work.

Janet Lansbury:  And then also, you can change, right? You can be so into this…

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Yeah.

Janet Lansbury:  If Joe was so into this police thing, but then suddenly he was, “I kind of explored that to the end of my interest.”

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Well, that’s true too. That’s another challenge is that a lot of parents, in their generation they’d go to college, get their degree, get their job, stay in the same job for 30 years. But it’s not like that anymore. It’s not a straight path. It’s not a linear path. So yeah, there is so much opportunity to change. We don’t have to be stuck.

So I tell college students: “College is your job training before the job. Take as many classes as you can, learn about as many careers. Ask your professors about careers, volunteer, join clubs. Just to see the world. Open up all the possibilities.”

Janet Lansbury:  And how does that mix with the colleges saying you’re not going to get requirements if you don’t get your major right now?

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  They told us that when you and I were in college, right? Just pick a major, it didn’t matter. And it’s still true now. So I studied business administration and marketing, and then I went into the Garment Center and worked my way up to be a buyer. And I was a buyer at Lord and Taylor in New York. Ran a $20 million petite sportswear business. And then I went into sales. And then I got married and had kids. And then I went into teaching. I went back to school in my forties.

Janet Lansbury:  And then what got you into the… well it was your son probably that inspired you…?

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  My second one, my younger, so I had another child, have another child. Child’s 25 now. And it was a scary time. It was nobody’s fault just he got stuck in my birth canal, and came out blue and not breathing. It was bad. And they told me he had cerebral palsy and they didn’t know how bad it was going to be and if he was going to make it out of the hospital. And so, as a mom, you go right into, I want to see every report. I want to see every everything. I want to be in every single meeting. And it was years and years and years of IEP meetings and doctor’s appointments. And he had physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, five days a week. And schools and the whole thing.

Janet Lansbury:  And they also have ADHD?

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Yeah, he has ADHD. They have ADHD, and probably other things. Probably a borderline on the autism spectrum, maybe? Extremely high IQ. I actually did my thesis on twice exceptional children. Back when I was doing my thesis, twice exceptional children meant somebody who was significantly disabled on the low end, but extremely high IQ. That would be twice disabled, because having that high IQ is a disability as well throughout schooling, to get him the services he needed for that.

Janet Lansbury:  Yeah, because you’re thinking outside the box, you’re not fitting into the conventional education that they’re trying to give you.

So that’s when you were inspired to go get your special ed-

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  Well, I wanted to go back to work, and I wanted to have a career, because I was going through a divorce, and I knew I was going to be on my own. I wanted to support my kids. I also knew they were off on summers, had summers off, vacations off. So how do you find a job like that? You’ll be teacher. So I went back to school to be a teacher, and then interviewed to be a teacher in my forties and they said I was too old to be an elementary school teacher. I had two little kids at home, and they’d said that I was too old to be an elementary school teacher.

Janet Lansbury:  People aren’t saying this anymore, I don’t think. You know my sister, she just got her nursing degree. She’s in her early sixties. She is a nurse.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  There is ageism. They probably can’t say it, but they said it to me. So I continued and did a second master’s in special education. And that actually was the best thing I ever did. Then I was a special ed teacher for 12 years in New York City.

Janet Lansbury:  Wow. Well, you are an inspiration.

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  No, you are. You, Ms. Lansbury. All my clients follow you. All my clients.

Janet Lansbury:  That’s so sweet. Well, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. I know that people are going to be as interested in this as I was. A lot of these things I didn’t know. Do you have anything coming up important that you want me to mention?

Lynn Miner-Rosen:  I do group coaching, which is a new thing. So I do groups for six people, but I usually do mostly individual coaching, and I do have a Facebook group, and I’m on social media, and I do all of that stuff too.

Janet Lansbury:  Great. Well, you’re a gift. Thank you.

You can find out more about Lynn Miner-Rosen’s programs at

And please check out some of the other podcasts on my website, There are many of them, and they’re all indexed by subject and category so you should be able to find whatever topic you might be interested in. Both of my books are available in paperback at Amazon: No Bad Kids, Toddler Discipline Without Shame and Elevating Child Care, A Guide To Respectful Parenting.  You can get them in eBook at Amazon, Apple, Google Play or, and an audio at Actually, you can get a free audio copy of either book at Audible by following the link in the liner notes of this podcast.

Thank you so much for listening and all your kind support. We can do this.


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